i'm always up to s0mething...

when i have the time, which is more often than i'd like to admit but not often enough to get everything done, i work on things. this site is one of those things, so congrats, you've already seen one of my projects.

the remaining projects are various and sundry. that's good for you, because surely something will pique your interest. a lot of it is still getting written up (or i haven't started yet), so consider some of these an invitation to check back later.

a future project: make an rss feed for each project so the onus isn't on you.

witness the cha0s firsthand...


  • alucard: trying to switch to linux full time, starting with my laptop.
  • harbinger: orphan system #1.
  • lachrymose: orphan system #2.
  • primordial: radioshack computer one of my mentors gave me. i will need to learn BASIC.

evil lair

  • evil lair: overview of my dingy, spine-chilling, highly secure and productive home base.
  • CHASM: what if you put all your home automation eggs in one basket? and other classic questions.
  • bird observation: i need the crows to like me.
  • soundproofing: i'd rather my roommates not hear my monologues.
  • bubble wall: for evil brooding?


  • zelda's champion ceremony dress: if i make this i can die happy.
  • aradia megido sheep horns: halloween 2023, hopefully.
  • this place is not a place of honor: embroidered slogans are so lovely. every home should have one.


  • fix the typewriter: risky manuevers (it is probably stuck).
  • homebrew wii: i love piracy.